Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Adorable Minnie and Mickey purses

Came across these *adorable* Minnie and Mickey purses.  They were so darling!  Unfortunately, they are too small to be practical so I did not buy them, but now I can't stop thinking about how I could maybe DIY something to this effect.  Or is there something like this already out there?  They were just so cute I had to share!

Friday, October 16, 2015

DIY bath bombs

Tired of paying for overpriced bath bombs from retailers?
Try out these nifty DIY bath bombs!

Chubby hearts with rose petals:
Halloween inspired spider bombs:

Recipe is as below:

2 Parts Baking Soda
1 Part Powdered Citric Acid
1 Part Corn Starch
1 Part Epsom Salt

Note: If you can't find citric acid you can substitute with Cream of tatar but the bath bomb won't be fizzy as a result.  I happened to find my citric acid at a local Indian grocery store but you can find it on many sites online.

In addition you will need some sort of mold to form a shape (ice cube tray would work too), a spray bottle, mixing bowl, etc.

Mix all your dry ingredients together.  

Then the liquid portion is a bit more flexible.  You can use water, food coloring, witch hazel, melted coconut oil with some essential oils etc and using a spray bottle.  You won't need much at all.  Spray ONLY enough to get the mixture damp enough to hold a form.  As in when you pinch it, it holds the pinched shape.  If you spray too much you will prematurely activate the fizzling and then your bath bomb won't fizz when you use it.   This is especially important and I didn't notice this emphasized enough on the majority of the bath bomb recipes out there.  If you notice your mixture fizzing then you've sprayed too much water.  You can still put it in the molds (though they might continue to fizz and bubble out) and they will still work otherwise just without the fizzing.

Happy bath time everyone!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

DIY eos deodorant.... flop

Have you all seen all those new DIY eos hacks lately? Pretty nifty huh?

One that recently caught my eye was the DIY eos deodorant.  I thought it'd be great to travel with since it would be in such a small container and the best part is that I found a recipe that only needs 3 ingredients that I already had. 

So the recipe I used calls for coconut oil, corn starch and baking soda.  Mix it up (2 parts coconut oil to 1 part corn starch and 1 part baking soda), pour it into your disassembled eos container, and pop it in the fridge and done!  It looked great when I took it out, however.... Don't ever take this out of the fridge!!!

Ok, now let me explain why I do NOT recommend this DIY.  Unless you live in a cold enough climate that the coconut oil is ALWAYS a solid I would NOT recommend having this item stored anywhere outside the refrigerator.  Given that it's a balmy 70 degrees Fahrenheit where I am, it didn't take long for the coconut oil to melt and leak out of my eos container creating a mess.  Good thing I hadn't packed this for my vacation just yet!  I popped it back in the fridge and this is what I have remaining, covered in a messy residue:  

No photos of the actual melted mess were taken due to the messy messy nature of it.

Really great concept, however, the coconut oil recipe just won't fly for a travel friendly product as temperatures are always in flux.  If you just want it to have around the house then it'd be great.  

I'm thinking it would have probably been an awesome DIY if beeswax was used instead of the coconut oil.  Maybe next time..... 

Daiso Felt Sweets Kit

The latest kit I finished was this cute Strawberry Swiss roll plush.  The strawberry and whip cream dollop are definitely my favorite parts of this project.  I was expecting this to be a pretty quick and easy project but this took me a bit more time than I had anticipated.  The packaging actually estimates this to take 2-2.5 hours, it took me approximately 3+ hours but I did mess up halfway through when I glued the swirl piece on backwards :P Silly me, but I do think the results are well worth it! How do you think I did?

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Daiso Halloween Crafts

Anyone else loving these Daiso Halloween felting kits? I think they're adorable! The opened packaging on the right is a pumpkin with a witch hat. Can't wait to get these little guys finished :)

I don't know about you guys, but Halloween is definitely my favorite holiday of the year.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hello Kitty Apple 5c phone case

So I just bought this *adorable* phone case off eBay. I wasn't so sure how it would work and didn't find any info online so I figured I'd put this up in case anyone is interested.

I purchased mine in The color "Rose" (which I suspect is the top second in the stock photo above) and am using it with my pink iPhone 5c.  As you can see, this doesn't really match with the colors of the stock photo. If you look around you'll see varying shades depending on the vendor and stock photo used. 

I ordered mine hoping to match it closest with the color of my pink iPhone 5c. It's not a perfect match but I think it's pretty close.
The first question I had was about whether the buttons would work well giving the chunkier edges of the case. I can say it definitely works very well. No need to push hard.

There's also easy access to the headphone and charging ports. 

I also tried this with an iPhone 5S and it fits great and all the buttons work just as well. 

Now in regards to phone protection I probably would not want to drop your phone too many times in this (or any other case for that matter). The chunky nature of the case I think helps with buffering any damage. My only concern is that the case is not exactly snug tight on the phone.  But I have tried shaking it in my bag and dropping it on my bed and no issues with the case coming off. 

Definitely would recommend especially considering this cost me under 10$. It is *super* adorable and I really have no complaints.  Mine also came with a screen protector and waterproof ziplock case which I thought was quite thoughtful. Shipping did take about two weeks since it came from overseas. 

Overall, very please and definitely no regrets!

Update:  After having used this case for about a month I definitely have to report that the phone DOES slip out the edges of he case quite easily. Sometimes I will pull it out of my purse with a corner of my phone out of the case. It can also shift so that the case covers the lower portion of the back camera and blocking the view very slightly. It also has this very artificial smell that I've tried to wash out a few times. The smell has improved but is still present even a month later.

Given that the phone slips out of the shell I definitely wouldn't consider this the most protective case out there. However I'm still using it because it is stinking cute.  

A little craft here, a little craft there

So I haven't been knit or crochet much lately but I've been dabbling in many other little crafty adventures. I've gotten semi-decent at nail art, made a tiny woven halloween pumpkin, was recently introduced to the world of felting... and then I discovered polymer craft figurines. I am smitten by how cute these things can be. I've taken up some needle felting and have a few of my projects down below.

 Little Felted bunny

  Felted Kitty

Hand woven Witch Pumpkin basket, couldn't help but attach a picture of my ever so unamused cat, hehe

 Note that all of the above projects were made from kits bought from my local Daiso store (which just so happens to be one of my favorite stores now!)